
Total Kill

Total Kill

"The strength of the wolf is the pack, the strength of the pack is the wolf."

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We're a friendly and simple clan, all F2P players are welcomed as long as you play by the rules. Our clan's goal is to help those in need and at the same time, punish those who are wicked! We shall bring a fun experience to every new player and destroy those who cheat them! For honour! For glory! For fame!

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Immortal Dra Immortal Dra Owner
Kyedu Kyedu General
[#2IDL1FHC0] [#2IDL1FHC0] Captain
Obies5 Obies5 Captain
CH_88CvD1l CH_88CvD1l Sergeant
[#653AGLM9R] [#653AGLM9R] Sergeant
wtbdq71tfol wtbdq71tfol Sergeant
Cfxz0RnT Cfxz0RnT Sergeant
Minedrake198 Minedrake198 Corporal
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