
khaos knights

khaos knights

Report Page

Now, this is a story all about how
Our clan got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
We'll tell you how we became the best clan of a world called Gielinor

In west Ardougne born and raised
Next to portables is was where we spend most of our days
Chillin' out MAXIN' relaxin' all cool
And all pickin' up orts outside while we skill
When a couple of noobs who were up to no good
Started making trouble in the neighborhood
We got in one little fight and their moms got scared
And said 'You really should join this clan because everyone is really cool.'

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nor kie nor kie Owner
Mike-4242 Mike-4242 Deputy Owner
Squeslie Squeslie Deputy Owner
JesusSavesUs JesusSavesUs Deputy Owner
Ragingbull21 Ragingbull21 Overseer
Minytank1 Minytank1 Overseer
AllynStJohn AllynStJohn Overseer
sleepydragon sleepydragon Overseer
lilwill45 lilwill45 Coordinator
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