We are one of the bigger slayer communities in RuneScape. Although our main point of interest is slaying, you don't have to slay per sé to become a member. Everybody is free to join our clan chat.
It Tokyo long enough to notice.
Yeah, Israely hard sometimes.
Yemen, I'm really bored.
Same, Kenya help me for a sec?
Kuwait a sec?
Yeah man, I'm not Russian
Sorry, I'm Ghana go now
Ok, take to you Samoa later
I'm pretty Hungary, you guys got any Turkey?
Not too much Greece though.
Also wouldn't mind a Canada Chile
Are you guys China be funny?
Norway man, Syria stuff
Did Jamaica my food yet?
What did the ocean say to the other ocean?
Nothing, they just waved
Did you sea what I did there?
I'm shore you did
This is getting out of sand
Don't be a beach, this is great
Stop giving sea shell.
That one seems a little fishy
Yeah, that one took a dive.
Water you thinking?
I got a lot on my brine
Whale done sir, whale done
I'm glad we're done, I was about to drown in puns
Total Members:248 Total Level (average):2,093 Kill/Death Ratio (kdr):0.49 Total XP:118,538,822,904 Citadel Level:N/ATop Clanmates
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