
Aegis of Saradomin

Aegis of Saradomin

"The Aegis Endures!"

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We are an order of Saradominist lore enthusiasts who have rallied under one banner to better honor our lord. If you wish to join us, feel free to stop by our Discord & read up on the rules of the clan. We value loyalty and participation in our clanmates, but also require that they are respectful to others in the clan.

Keep in mind that as a lore clan we will discuss lore regularly and so spoilers will be tossed about rather frequently. You have been warned. Otherwise, we have no major requirements outside of following clan rules and being a member.

Strength through wisdom!  May the light of Saradomin illuminate your path to enlightenment and guard you against the shadow of evil.

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Amryine Amryine Chef
Siegfreid Siegfreid Vize-Chef
Amisakura Amisakura Vize-Chef
HeresiaX HeresiaX Vize-Chef
Amireille Amireille Vize-Chef
Anselmus Anselmus Aufseher
Dasmius Dasmius Koordinator
Bamafan801 Bamafan801 Koordinator
bama2 bama2 Koordinator
Clanangehörige (alle)


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