
Royal Prestige

Royal Prestige

"We give out free advice if but only if currently serving tea."

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Welcome to Royal Prestige.

If you are searching us up, we are very glad you have found us and are considering to join our ranks.

We are a small clan with a big heart, wishing all of our members to achieve greatness with no goal being a barrier. We help each and everyone on of our members on or off the game. If they need us we are here to give them the support they need.

This clan is an early clan. We started early in the year (2015) with goals to achieve, and ranks within the Runescape Community to aim for. We are not well known at this time but for every day we are hoping to achieve greatness and better understanding of the game and the people around us.

Our Clan Leader "MrKody" has brought us a clan where we can aim to do the best we can do for ourselves and for each other.

Join us, be remembered.

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