
The Toasties

The Toasties

"We like toasts. And skilling."

Seite melden

--- New clan looking for members --

* There are no requirements - everyone is allowed to join.
* Capping isn't required, but is very appreciated.

Ranking System:
Every time you cap at the citadel, you get a rank up - but capping only gets you as far as general rank. If you want a higher rank, the clan owner or one of the deputy owners has to personally consider it.

* No flaming in the chat.
* No unnecessary spamming in the chat.
* No racism in the chat.
* No begging in the chat.
* You're not allowed to scam any of your clanmates.

If you have any other questions, please ask Xune or Runx ingame.

Clans vergleichen


chickpea1312 chickpea1312 Vize-Chef
tofugirl xo tofugirl xo Vize-Chef
iFreja iFreja Aufseher
Gurker Gurker Aufseher
Replant Replant Rekrut
Clanangehörige (alle)


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