"From ash of war we rise again the Dark Dragon!!!"
Seite meldenThe Dark Dragon11 we fight to gain order and rule by force of numbers.
Rules are to be follow by leader of each event. Each rule/event show loyal to the clan of the member therefore it show power.
1. Work for rank
2. Train xp
3. Level up
4. New Event base on days of player
5. Be nice to players
6. Follow rules set by clan/jagax
7. New rank basic on xp of the following players or combat lvl.
8. No begging for money
1. Recruit to All New players 0-100k xp
2. Corporal 200k xp
3. Sergeant 360k-480k xp
4. Lieutenant 500k-660k xp
5. Captain 750k-900k xp
6. General 2million xp
7. Admin over 4million xp
8. Ask Leader for any more question about rank.
Event Follow:
1. Dungon
2. Fist of guthix
3. Clan war
4. Train stats
5. Role Play
6. Duel Arena
7. Money gain basic on runescape wiki on money
8. PVP
1. Not Alone
3. Crimson
Mitgliedszahl:348 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):613 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.96 Gesamt-Erfahrung:1.211.462.512 Festungsstufe: --Top-Clanangehörige
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