
Fluffy Goats

Fluffy Goats

"Friendly Chilled Clan. Primarily P2P members with a few F2P players. Come join!"

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Fluffy Goats is a friendly, laid back Clan Primarily Members(P2P) with a few F2P players. We are open to those who enjoy skilling, to those who enjoy killing and to those who simply want to make new friends!
It is our goal to provide a relaxed and supportive clan for all of our clanmates so they may achieve their goals in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Currently Working on the Citadel Again. Current Citadel Level: 3

We do use a XP ranking system as stated below.
All ranking to General will be based off earned clan XP since the date you have joined Fluffy Goats and is tracked via the Fluffy Goats clan page on Runescape. Admin+ will be decided by clan leaders.

Recruit - New Member
Corporal - 2m
Sergeant - 6M
Lieutenant - 14M
Captain - 22M
General- 32M

We have No requirements for you to join. Anyone is welcome.
Just pop in and have a chat and find out what we are about and let someone know if you want to join and we will get an invite to you as soon as possible.

Clans vergleichen


Jamie 929 Jamie 929 Chef
LoopyLou1897 LoopyLou1897 Vize-Chef
iLizard iLizard Aufseher
Soge I Soge I Aufseher
Rune Player Rune Player Aufseher
mlock9 mlock9 Aufseher
RedTarnished RedTarnished Aufseher
Sir Paltaman Sir Paltaman Koordinator
KerwenZhed KerwenZhed Koordinator
Clanangehörige (alle)


Art Beschreibung Welt Datum / Zeit
Spieler gegen NSC - Raubzüge 124 07-Aug-18 15:00
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