"Need help? Well we can help you! We will help you to the best of our knowledge."
Seite meldenNew to RuneScape? Questions about the vast world and many skills you can work on/in? Huge enthusiast on the Magic skill? Or are you just a new player, hoping you can figure out how to do everything on your own? Frozen Magic is the home of many mages, We are also home to many players who will do there best to teach you how to succeed. Anyone who wishes to join this clan, contact the clan leader: BleakeShade, or Deputy Owner: Glory Aura. Our many other recruits, such as Avenger Arch, Doom Bug, Dumby22, and others, are also there to help. BleakeShade himself, has mentored two now-successful members of the clan. Don't you want to learn as well? Especially in Daemonheim, home of the Dungeoneering skill. Confusing place, yet if you use it right, free training in other skills. One of our members, Glory Aura, has seen the bottom of the F2P floors, Floor 35. We not only drill Magic and Dungeoneering, but can help out in the various other skills. We are here to help. All there is to say.
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