
Skill is Power

Skill is Power

"Clan has been deserted, contact any of the former members if u want to join us:)"

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! A very friendly skilling clan that has it all : PvM, PvP, interesting conversations and competitive skilling!

Official worlds: 88 and 84

 To join the clan, you must meet 1 (one) of the following requirements:

~ 1650+ total level
~ 2 99s
~ 1 200m xp skill

To join the clan, visit the Clan Channel "Skill is Power" as a guest, or send a private message (PM) to any Admin + for an invitation.

Quick find code: 288-289-601-65003249
                           and    93-94-782-65003231

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Clans vergleichen


Magneton Magneton Chef
Albertjanman Albertjanman General
[#YO8D78BE4] [#YO8D78BE4] Hauptmann
I Am Snug I Am Snug Feldwebel
JLSev234 JLSev234 Unteroffizier
GoonSquadLit GoonSquadLit Unteroffizier
Schnelo Schnelo Rekrut
Party Pilot Party Pilot Rekrut
Kuvir Qao Kuvir Qao Rekrut
Clanangehörige (alle)


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