"A clan based on respect, genorosity, and FUN!! All are welcome, ask to join!!! "
Seite meldenHey everyone!
This clan began as an off-shoot of 3 of our current member's former clan that had over 200 members.
Paul820 was an Admin of his former clan when he left to start this new clan. This was mainly because the leader of this clan quit and he wanted to start something new
Katie Bird45 and Chief Wakil were Deputy Owners at the time and decided to join Paul in his efforts to create a new clan with a fun atmosphere. After many hours of preparation, this clan was born. We are all very excited to see that the clan is growing so fast, and we cannot wait to see what is to come very soon!!
As Always, Anybody is welcome to join, so please, Add whoever you would like, be it your friends, acquaintances, heck, feel free to add that new account you just created. The main goal is just to create a group of people who want to have fun and help other people.