
All good in our hood

All good in our hood


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We only accept people who don't annoy us, who aren't afraid to lend a hand, and make every minute playing RuneScape that much more fun. Even though we Like to train our skills together (because we all know how boring skilling is when you have no one to talk to) your skill level doesn't matter, however, your level of maturity does; Don't scream POOP! because you think it's hilarious. It's not.

About Us!
-We value the occasional friendly visit.
-We love a good conversationalist.
-Any friend of Fishing is a friend of ours!
-We hate scammers. We don't care if it was directed at the guy who's stupid over there. There's no pride in it, and this clan is all about respect.
-We welcome anyone willing to lend some tips on making RuneScape any more enjoyable.
-Believe it or not, no one actually cares what your skill levels are, and we actually loathe the player that runs around telling people how high their levels are. Go away.
-We like new players! Feel free to join us!

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