
Council of Elders

Council of Elders

"Where every chat is in the wrong window!"

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The Council of Elders is less of a clan and more a close group of friends who are most definitely older than the average player but certainly no less of a "noob" than a Lumbridge level 3. Mature in age but not in spirit :P

Unfortunately for you as a curious cat we are invite only :) But if we ever meet you in-game and you seem like a nice enough person you might be allowed to get lost in the Wilderness with us ^_^


"there are as many ways to get to warriors guild as there are elders trying to get there"

Alternate mottoes:
We tried, we cried, and we died!
Mentally incontinent from time to time.
Farts and Tarts with Big Hearts!

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Gugge Gugge Vize-Chef
Pker Dude Jr Pker Dude Jr Vize-Chef
Thrawn Thrawn Aufseher
Mercifull Mercifull Aufseher
SaltyFrog SaltyFrog Aufseher
Lysistra0 Lysistra0 Aufseher
Vlad The Old Vlad The Old Aufseher
Xena Dragon Xena Dragon Aufseher
Clanangehörige (alle)


Art Beschreibung Welt Datum / Zeit
Sonderevent 119 05-Jul-15 19:00
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