
Khaos 1z

Khaos 1z

"To catch us you must be good, to beat us you must be kidding!"

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All clan members sat. we are doing clan wars (non members) at 7-8pm and for all members payers we are going to kill a boos (king black dragon) 8:30- 9:30 pm I hope all of you can make it.

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Courtz94 Courtz94 Chef
[#YZ0PM4XUE] [#YZ0PM4XUE] Aufseher
XxARCHxX XxARCHxX Aufseher
Spike300690 Spike300690 Aufseher
[#F5AP0WE83] [#F5AP0WE83] General
[#MJKAMM64K] [#MJKAMM64K] General
Betrayofhope Betrayofhope Hauptmann
0anjamogres 0anjamogres Hauptmann
DonLuis DonLuis Hauptmann
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