
Legacy of SK

Legacy of SK

"glow3: wave3: EOS 100+"

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Silent Fury revolves around the idea that tactical thinking and team preparation will win out. Throughout all the hard times and difficult trials we've faced, we still remain as one of the stronger and long lasting clans around. We consider clan mates as family and expect members to respect each other as such. Contact Speeds King for more information about the clan. ==100 plus, OR 85+ mage/range with 80 defence==

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1blinkurded 1blinkurded Admin
Colabear247 Colabear247 General
PandaPoony PandaPoony Hauptmann
Pirekii Pirekii Hauptmann
AznNinja AznNinja Leutnant
popasmurf popasmurf Leutnant
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