


"Whether it's Skilling, PvM, PvP or Socializing, be assured Taito is for you!"

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Welcome to the Clanpage of Taito!

We are a Socially based clan which goal is to enjoy all aspects of the game we all play and love.
This means that there are no limitations to your clan only being suited to PvM! From Skilling to Killing! Lore Lovers to Bounty Questers! Events to “just” Chatting!
Minigames to fearsome Clan Wars!

That gets us to the next question:
*What does Taito mean?” is frequently asked by players.
Taito means *Skill” in Finnish. “Wouldn’t that be a more suitable name for a Skilling Clan?” You might ask yourself. Yes, we once were a Skilling Clan but last year we reverted our Clan from skilling to a Socialized-Everything-Clan with only the name reminding us of our origin.

“And what about a Citadel, have you got one?”
Although we have a citadel, work is NOT required but helping would of course be greatly appreciated.

Taito has NO REQUIREMENTS at all and would love to see you live in game soon!
Not sure about Taito yet? Give us a test run, Guest in the Clan Chat!

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