Welcome to The Hall!
We are both a skilling and maxing clan, meaning we have players who are attempting to get both 99's in skills or a max cape in the clan. So you can have a relaxing chat while you're logged on with other clanmates. In-addition having members with max capes themselves we're more than happy to help any new, returning or current players in Runescape. So either competing with others in the clan for 99, a max cape, or 200m in a stat to help encourage yourself to achieve the levels you want.
Requirements to joining?
We are open to anyone interested in a friendly environment, whether you're a dedicated skiller, passionate quester, vicious PvM'er or simply wanting to chat and have fun - you are very welcome in this clan! We do not believe that level or money should effect being in a clan.
If you're interested in joining the family, feel free to drop by as a guest or private message any clan member! :)
Mitgliedszahl:41 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):1.897 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 3.50 Gesamt-Erfahrung:3.689.774.734 Festungsstufe: 1Top-Clanangehörige
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