
The Order Of Tea

The Order Of Tea

"Tea IS Golden!"

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Greetings Adventurer!
This is The Order Of Tea an organization that as you may have guessed is fond of Tea
This clan is a Mature clan that is open to all who are willing to join
(as long as they like Tea)
You can be a Member or even a Non member a Pure or a Skiller maybe even a Combat only type of Adventurer it matters not!

                                                      \[T]/ BACK STORY \[T]/
The Order Of Tea has been around for longer then anyone knows and its origin is now shrouded in mystery.
Perhaps it started out as a simple adventurer who had a revelation about Tea and it's deeper meanings.
Maybe it was a group of Wanderers who were saved by the God Of Tea from certain dehydration!
It could even be the Infinite Variables of Pi becoming manifest to express the true importance that Tea serves in this universe.
What is known though,  is that without the Sun (Praise the Sun! \[T]/ ) We would not be alive to be able to celebrate and enjoy Tea as we do now.

Good Luck!

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