W E L C O M E - T O - W . O . O
______ Who Are We ? ______
We are a small crazy little family consisting of all sorts of unique and wonderful people with a verity of different background and specialties ;P
A very social lot & we are always here for each other, whether it be Runescape related or something else entirely, we will always be there to give a helping hand !
______ Discord: Available ! :3 ______
Our clan has a Discord server that we all love to use to voice/text chat with one another! Each new day is unpredictable which makes it so exciting to find out how everyone's day turn out. You honestly can't tell what you might wake up to with us ;) <3
------ <3 We Are Currently Recruiting <3 ------
Currently looking for like-minded individuals to join & become part of the family,
Though we are a small bunch we are working towards upgrading the clan everyday along with the clan citadel !
This clan has seen better days...
Perhaps one day, it will be back and better
Mitgliedszahl:75 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):1.673 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.46 Gesamt-Erfahrung:9.723.738.589 Festungsstufe: --Top-Clanangehörige
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