"A skiller is disciplined, loyal, honest, trustworthy, and the best skiller ever."
Seite meldenWe are always looking for new recruits to join our SKILLER CLAN!
In order to join the clan you must be one of the following: 10 Constitution and/or Lv. 3.
In our clan we have ranks that are very easy to obtain while a low rank, and while you progress you must work harder and stay committed. In order to donate experience to the clan you must be in our clan and get experience. The experience counter starts from when you joined the clan.
Recruit = Join the clan!
Corporal= 100,000 Experience donated to the clan.
Sergeant= 500,000 Experience donated to the clan.
Lieutenant= 750,000 Experience donated to the clan.
Captain= 1,000,000 Experience donated to the clan.
General= 2,000,000 Experience donated to the clan.
Any higher ranks= Further review within our top Staff and must have a Board of Review and have 2 months loyalty within the clan.
Mitgliedszahl:27 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):239 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.20 Gesamt-Erfahrung:13.993.441 Festungsstufe: --Top-Clanangehörige
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