Welcome & thanks for checking out Distinct Honour! :D
We’re a clan which has restructured our growth to fit players of all kinds! from skillers to killlers, questers to festers. We’re a very social clan and love the company of members who enjoy interacting with other clan members and open to meeting new people as well as settling with friends made here. We encourage new and old players to engage in activity with one another!
Our members are our top priority. Your thoughts, opinions & experiences matter to us, we use it to provide a better environment for you and everyone else!
If you’re friendly, not looking for drama, and wish to develop your (irl and ingame) character with the company of others, feel encouraged to leave a message to:
• ‘Vishie Magic’ on RS Or VM#0001 on Discord.
• ‘Mitch Magic* on RS Or MitchReid#6994 on Discord.
• ‘Ayaa* on RS Or Aya#4483 on Discord.
Mitgliedszahl:15 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):1.802 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.79 Gesamt-Erfahrung:2.958.374.591 Festungsstufe: 5Top-Clanangehörige