"~Come then...Warrior...Have your resolution~"
Seite meldenWe are young clan looking for members who strive for excellence and have the drive and determination to break the limits set upon them. We are constantly searching others who see limitations as nothing more than suggestions and are always looking for ways to improve ourselves.
We accept people from all walks of life as well as both f2p and p2p. We are a tight knit group and if you think you have what it takes to hang with us then i say roll the dice and never look back.
We do a bit of everything. Some of us boss, while others prefer to simply sit back and skill and chat. Anyone is welcome to join us. All we ask is that you have the drive to improve yourself and respect your fellow clan members.
Mitgliedszahl:14 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):1.595 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.59 Gesamt-Erfahrung:546.896.484 Festungsstufe: 1Top-Clanangehörige
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