
Rise With Honour

Rise With Honour

"Before you quit - remember why you started"

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Welcome to Rise With Honour.

We believe that Runescape should be enjoyable and our goal is to provide good company while gaming. Courtesy, decency and respect are important, and in game sadly are becoming rarer. In Rise With Honour they are not an optional extra, they are  normal.

Rise With Honour is a Directorate run clan. Currently our Directorate is comprised of the Clan's original founders, and has a truly international flavour with members from Australia, Britian and the United States. We are happy to accept members from any time zone.

Our PvM Leaders believe that elitism does nothing to advance PvM in Runescape. We are happy to accept members with little or no PvM experienhace who have a willingness to learn.

Our Skilling/Citadel Leaders understand how much of a grind some skills can be. We aim to offer good company, a few laughs and any hints, tips & tricks to help level up skills.

Please visit our Recruitment thread on the forum page for an application.

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