


"07/02/12 - The End of an Era"

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The Corruption clan will be 8 years old on the 4th July weekend. We're one of the oldest runescape clans and have been competing in the top 5 and 10 on F2P for almost all of our existence.

No clan has ever rivaled Corruption's reign as the #1 clan and there hasn't been a more fierce rivalry than Corruption vs Divine Forces.

We've been through and seen more than any other clan in this game and we're still here competing in the top 5.

Google Corruption Clan or check us out on #cor on swiftirc.

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Fast993 Fast993 Chef
[#9AHFGW5KA] [#9AHFGW5KA] Vize-Chef
Tom Corrupt Tom Corrupt Admin
[#BOP61JOT5] [#BOP61JOT5] General
Tomrampage Tomrampage Hauptmann
b pak b pak Leutnant
Je Moedr Je Moedr Leutnant
Bigpinkpig Bigpinkpig Leutnant
I alch GP I alch GP Leutnant
Clanangehörige (alle)


Art Beschreibung Welt Datum / Zeit
Spielerkampf 93 30-Jul-11 21:00
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