"50+ Combat Level or 1000 Total Level. "ASK 4 A INVITE""
Seite meldenThe Mz Souls Clan have been a dominating presence on World 145 and the Soul Wars Community since 2009. We were the longest running SW community in RS, outlasting enemy clans, as well as former allies. Our SW Clan then was forced to be closed as Jagex removed world 145 Soulwars, As a clan we decided to carry on together so we opened our clan on to an all around community/events clan. We participates in different events around Runescape. Our clan are a 24/7 clan so there's always members to chill with or organize an event. Clan Events are mostly posted on the notice board in clan camp or can be easily found out through the cc.Thanks for stopping by to check out our clan page, if you have any questions or would like an invite to join please stop by our cc Mz Souls!
Mitgliedszahl:19 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):672 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.64 Gesamt-Erfahrung:236.012.023 Festungsstufe: 1Top-Clanangehörige
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