


"Like the Phoenix, We Rise"

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Welcome to our PRESTIGIOUS and ELITE clan! We are dedicated to HELPING everyone and in addition, we pride ourselves on being very FRIENDLY.

FOUNDED on June 20th, 2011

Feel Free to join our CLAN CHAT (Join just to visit, or request to join us)… Also, feel free to browse our Modernity forum as well. Guests are welcome to participate in our clan as much as they wish.

We would like to congratulate all our members for joining our wonderful clan, and congratulate all those doing such a splendid job. This clan is very diverse and geared only for success, as mostly everyone, who can keep up to our standards, is welcome… We also favor skilling over combat, yet combat is also a set of skills.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns please do not hesitate to make any leader aware of them!

(See clan forum for Modernity Laws and Regulations)

Clans vergleichen


ajphandalf ajphandalf Chef
Soromon111 Soromon111 Vize-Chef
Siris18 Siris18 Admin
Mesmesohno56 Mesmesohno56 Admin
Doodlebug05 Doodlebug05 General
Rayzor Rayzor General
Zellogi1 Zellogi1 General
JokkeX JokkeX Hauptmann
Clanangehörige (alle)


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