"Friendly and Relaxed Clan, Drama free zone with people just trying to have fun."
Seite meldenWelcome to Pretty Fruity
Our goal on Runescape is to have a relaxing and friendly clan who treat each other with respect. We are still a small clan but we're slowly expanding. Another goal of our clan is to have many group events, this includes: PvM, Dungeoneering, and various minigames. Our clan is meant to be drama free and a very relaxing environment where all clan members can enjoy Runescape.
Our rules are simple:
- Follow all Jagex rules.
- Do not bot, it will not be tolerated and will result in an instant kick.
- No flaming or trolling of fellow clan mates will be permitted.
- Any foul language or spamming in the clan chat continuously is not allowed.
- Any racist or gender comments will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the clan.
- No drama
- Last but not least, treat all clan members the way you want to be treated.
Thanks for checking our clan out; if interested in joining, please message one of the owners or deputy owners to let us know.
Mitgliedszahl:15 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):2.113 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.75 Gesamt-Erfahrung:1.339.722.004 Festungsstufe: 1Top-Clanangehörige
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