From Skilling, Social and non-bureaucratic ranking system | NO ONE PLAYER is BETTER or MORE VALUED than one another, Friendly and welcoming clan chat, all members are are representations of the clan, we are a single unified clan for any and all players, high and low.
Members routinely group together to participate in Boss Killing, Skilling, D&D's, And more.
If you want a small close-knit, relaxed and continuously growing Clan w/ NO entrance requirements(Work in the citadel and participation in the clan determines your rank, all the way to admin-)..***** IMPULSE IS IT!
- Grady 0_0 [Overseer* |* RECRUITING*|
- IAmSmoking [Owner* |*RECRUITING*|
- ItsGurvitz[Deputy Owner* |* RECRUITING*|
Mitgliedszahl:14 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):834 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.33 Gesamt-Erfahrung:132.141.417 Festungsstufe: 1Top-Clanangehörige
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