
Skillah Kings

Skillah Kings

"Looking for new co-owner to grow clan in their own way"

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Welcome to Skillah Kings!  Hi we are trying to reshape this clan so at one point may become a top clan on Runescape.

We are looking to make this clan a mature fun social game experience. We are looking for active somewhat daily members that will liven up the clan and separate leaders experts in PVM / SLAYER and SKILLING / QUEST / D&D. So that other members will be able to join and have experience players to help them out and have a mature pleasant daily gaming when they log in to have fun.

Clan Chat: Skillah Kings

Clans vergleichen


Tyhorn88 Tyhorn88 Vize-Chef
skild 4 life skild 4 life Vize-Chef
Drew Himithy Drew Himithy Vize-Chef
chiquitin88 chiquitin88 Vize-Chef
Momma Eng Momma Eng Vize-Chef
river rat river rat Vize-Chef
PvM Camelot PvM Camelot Vize-Chef
Clanangehörige (alle)


Art Beschreibung Welt Datum / Zeit
Spaß für zwischendurch - Pinguin-Überwachung 60 06-Apr-13 20:00
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