
The Vestals

The Vestals

"Girls-only clan"

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Throughout the course of history women have been easy prey for the men. We sought a union where we can stand for our places in this life. We ventured far and long to be understood and respected by the world. We don’t stand alone.

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[#LKL8798ZO] [#LKL8798ZO] General
smartgirl453 smartgirl453 General
Shimmertime9 Shimmertime9 General
48 Old 1767 48 Old 1767 Hauptmann
gomtang gomtang Hauptmann
[#1V7URM7HG] [#1V7URM7HG] Hauptmann
[#LIRJ18XJR] [#LIRJ18XJR] Hauptmann
CP_397aKOQ CP_397aKOQ Rekrut
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