"We will destroy all in our path, just for the fun of it."
Seite meldenWe have meetings whenever needed. You will get a time limit warning before a meeting. Please come to all mandatory meetings because it will only benifit you for being there, and harm you if you are not. We need those who are willing to work hard at helping the citadel grow into a grand place.
Freebes are also welcome, as long as they understand that they may need to gather items.
When you first join you will have a "seargent" (^3) rank. Your rank will show how well you can be respected and honored. If you are deranked to a "recruit" (^) you will have one last chance to prove yourself worthy to be in the clan.
EVENTS: Whatever the clan decides on doing, as long as we can all do it.
RANKING: To get ranked up you must come to mandatory events and/or get more clan mates. You can be ranked down for not coming to mandatory events.
CLAN COSTUME: (undecided)
HOME WORLDS: 99 mem 90 freebe.
Mitgliedszahl:95 Gesamtstufe (Durchschnitt):578 Verhältnis Siege/Tode: 0.65 Gesamt-Erfahrung:2.329.852.806 Festungsstufe: 1Top-Clanangehörige
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