
Ape Atoll Refugees

Ape Atoll Refugees

"We are just monkeying around - Join us!"

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Ape Atoll Refugees (AAR) is an open enrollment clan its start-up phase. Currently bringing up a Citadel and will be advancing it up as we go along. We are a clan of friends that enjoy each other’s company, but we welcome the chance to make new mature friends and to play this fantastic game with open, honest, sociable, compassionate and caring people.

We like to have fun in clan chat as well as Discord, where we have a server that is fashioned as a gaming hub, but our primary focus is Runescape. We expect recruits to be familiar with Runescape but not necessarily professionals at it, and we are more than willing to offer advice and gameplay help to those who require it.

The clan leadership is made up of maxed players who nearly are or are completionists, resulting in a leadership who well understands the core of the game. The owners of the clan are Num Scape and Casky, feel free to message us if you have any questions or wish to join.

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Casky Casky Chef
Num Scape Num Scape Vize-Chef
bens arrows bens arrows Vize-Chef
Just Callum Just Callum Vize-Chef
Prawnstar Prawnstar General
Aaronjf0 Aaronjf0 Hauptmann
BigManWithA9 BigManWithA9 Leutnant
Nomad Ronin Nomad Ronin Leutnant
Mr Warren G Mr Warren G Feldwebel
Clanangehörige (alle)


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