
Outcast Rangers

Outcast Rangers

"Goes to have six I can't do that because I'ma Ironman"

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welcome to noble ranger's clan page()--
home of the legendary rangers and defenders of the wildness

*rangers offer*
-combat pvp training
-bossing and pvm
-clan discord chat
-minigames events
-active clan chat (no chat restrictions)
-clan facebook page (noble ranger)

-recruit/corporal (capp at citidal)
-corporal/sergeant (capp at citidal)
-sergeant/lieutenant (capp at citidal)
-lieutenant/captain (capp at citidal)
-captain/general (capp at citidal)
-general/admin (awarded to trusted clan members of rank of general)
-admin  to    organizer/coordinator
-organizer(peaceful clan member resolving issues without violence)
-coordinator(combat officer who solve's issues with deadily force)
-organizer/coordinator to overseer(awarded to the most example giving of clan members)
-deputy owner (only given to highest command of clan through loyality over the years)

we also take care of lurers/pkers/scammers throughout world 100 when necessary

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lewa nuva lewa nuva Chef
Braddog11 Braddog11 Vize-Chef
Zachtipton Zachtipton Vize-Chef
lewapedia lewapedia Vize-Chef
R3dd1tt R3dd1tt Vize-Chef
Str4lif369 Str4lif369 Aufseher
thaironjack thaironjack Aufseher
Dead KXNG Dead KXNG Aufseher
Doomdine Doomdine Koordinator
Clanangehörige (alle)


Art Beschreibung Welt Datum / Zeit
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