
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for 99sweatlvl
Général 14,264 2,277 632,085,456
Attaque 44,172 99 26,831,170
Défense 13,566 99 30,634,100
Force 18,528 99 75,400,584
Constitution 13,919 99 95,205,064
Combat à distance 15,919 99 94,940,274
Prières 22,911 99 13,698,590
Magie 15,121 99 44,541,767
Cuisine 48,579 99 17,601,070
Coupe de bois 58,295 99 14,457,383
Archerie 31,696 99 14,406,516
Pêche 66,672 99 13,491,160
Feu de camp 94,643 99 13,626,405
Artisanat 25,100 99 15,082,312
Métallurgie 49,637 99 13,243,730
Exploitation minière 52,766 99 14,136,466
Herboristerie 6,844 99 18,424,783
Agilité 61,101 99 13,162,727
Larcin 70,482 99 13,980,052
Pourfendeur 17,987 99 27,171,483
Agriculture 45,900 99 21,582,824
Création de runes 54,470 99 13,093,582
Trappeur 45,558 99 14,196,460
Construction 45,228 99 13,176,954
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 14,945 76
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 22,398 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 144,133 9
Clue Scrolls (all) 17,180 1,671
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 375,181 12
Clue Scrolls (easy) 20,669 321
Clue Scrolls (medium) 77,324 208
Clue Scrolls (hard) 5,164 724
Clue Scrolls (elite) 2,662 327
Clue Scrolls (master) 34,186 79
LMS - Rank 81,652 927
Rifts closed 90,097 263
Colosseum Glory 104,012 1,611
Collections Logged 8,618 819
Abyssal Sire 11,602 1,307
Alchemical Hydra 20,574 2,183
Amoxliatl 72,427 20
Araxxor 80,324 171
Artio 28,465 368
Barrows Chests 171,868 341
Bryophyta 89,934 16
Callisto 36,513 486
Calvar'ion 123,979 50
Cerberus 34,373 1,540
Chambers of Xeric 7,803 1,384
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 7,859 337
Chaos Elemental 150,023 25
Chaos Fanatic 178,835 27
Commander Zilyana 97,221 175
Corporeal Beast 57,112 151
Crazy Archaeologist 184,418 40
Dagannoth Prime 156,692 174
Dagannoth Rex 135,473 321
Dagannoth Supreme 138,689 204
Deranged Archaeologist 81,386 25
Duke Sucellus 130,116 18
General Graardor 116,632 366
Giant Mole 138,498 233
Grotesque Guardians 187,067 73
Hespori 59,691 114
Kalphite Queen 79,047 207
King Black Dragon 205,264 170
Kraken 316,332 716
Kree'Arra 13,528 922
K'ril Tsutsaroth 88,847 149
Lunar Chests 165,818 27
Mimic 27,473 8
Nex 26,209 990
Nightmare 35,355 86
Phosani's Nightmare 14,064 179
Obor 213,517 7
Phantom Muspah 46,847 236
Sarachnis 127,997 76
Scorpia 110,207 37
Scurrius 231,260 26
Skotizo 22,481 69
Spindel 46,037 161
Tempoross 88,794 204
The Gauntlet 101,543 34
The Corrupted Gauntlet 85,361 305
The Hueycoatl 62,489 39
The Leviathan 53,332 38
Theatre of Blood 12,238 639
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 9,167 141
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 126,459 473
Tombs of Amascut 50,210 103
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 16,167 334
TzKal-Zuk 15,669 3
TzTok-Jad 16,872 32
Vardorvis 49,496 255
Venenatis 17,702 672
Vet'ion 1,661 2,075
Vorkath 172,962 479
Wintertodt 103,515 612
Zalcano 34,132 349
Zulrah 55,322 1,832

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