
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Imaginable
Général 18,017 2,277 579,519,091
Attaque 133,890 99 17,549,212
Défense 97,704 99 17,016,776
Force 16,619 99 79,751,508
Constitution 21,871 99 79,729,994
Combat à distance 16,976 99 92,564,715
Prières 89,498 99 13,106,378
Magie 26,262 99 36,344,531
Cuisine 162,767 99 13,387,762
Coupe de bois 53,726 99 14,732,944
Archerie 38,317 99 14,049,061
Pêche 81,803 99 13,228,857
Feu de camp 46,530 99 15,144,462
Artisanat 61,469 99 14,034,855
Métallurgie 53,263 99 13,218,516
Exploitation minière 32,387 99 15,498,352
Herboristerie 27,079 99 13,877,207
Agilité 51,198 99 13,281,605
Larcin 79,331 99 13,712,379
Pourfendeur 11,180 99 31,801,906
Agriculture 153,151 99 14,134,519
Création de runes 57,031 99 13,082,629
Trappeur 27,049 99 16,796,643
Construction 14,154 99 13,474,280
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 47,730 5
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 18,043 226
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 27,865 40
Clue Scrolls (all) 185,533 329
Clue Scrolls (easy) 208,827 32
Clue Scrolls (medium) 97,468 167
Clue Scrolls (hard) 622,971 18
Clue Scrolls (elite) 528,130 2
Clue Scrolls (master) 22,544 110
LMS - Rank 25,622 2,038
Abyssal Sire 128,871 182
Alchemical Hydra 7,083 3,476
Amoxliatl 72,384 20
Araxxor 2,186 2,360
Barrows Chests 164,029 354
Bryophyta 222,437 6
Callisto 160,610 45
Cerberus 28,008 1,724
Chambers of Xeric 3,929 1,818
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 30,122 80
Chaos Elemental 230,298 10
Chaos Fanatic 201,183 25
Commander Zilyana 147,540 87
Corporeal Beast 165,018 22
Crazy Archaeologist 123,339 57
Dagannoth Prime 124,153 236
Dagannoth Rex 188,579 232
Dagannoth Supreme 130,763 220
Deranged Archaeologist 126,964 25
General Graardor 168,799 222
Giant Mole 390,421 25
Grotesque Guardians 229,737 50
Hespori 695,250 5
Kalphite Queen 140,191 94
King Black Dragon 192,533 184
Kraken 166,406 1,648
Kree'Arra 193,488 18
K'ril Tsutsaroth 317,953 5
Lunar Chests 185,809 25
Mimic 53,531 5
Nex 133,622 42
Nightmare 13,157 281
Obor 323,057 5
Phantom Muspah 182,819 10
Sarachnis 268,360 25
Scorpia 95,479 47
Scurrius 114,354 87
Skotizo 79,352 46
Spindel 17,945 546
Tempoross 732,262 10
The Gauntlet 148,580 22
The Corrupted Gauntlet 93,497 275
The Hueycoatl 119,367 10
The Leviathan 18,242 410
The Whisperer 49,301 30
Theatre of Blood 85,087 8
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 47,958 1,268
Tombs of Amascut 214,604 11
TzKal-Zuk 37,558 1
TzTok-Jad 1,886 85
Vardorvis 66,626 106
Vet'ion 151,315 20
Vorkath 37,615 1,587
Wintertodt 325,629 390
Zalcano 247,766 15
Zulrah 8,295 5,669

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