
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for IronNeya
Général 11,840 2,277 673,818,691
Attaque 7,516 99 50,473,537
Défense 7,753 99 36,410,623
Force 26,018 99 62,324,267
Constitution 17,157 99 87,705,360
Combat à distance 31,782 99 70,511,827
Prières 9,648 99 14,541,460
Magie 17,406 99 42,192,115
Cuisine 17,557 99 29,671,022
Coupe de bois 54,684 99 14,657,850
Archerie 17,072 99 16,444,902
Pêche 17,924 99 19,198,458
Feu de camp 36,550 99 16,019,205
Artisanat 24,343 99 15,111,391
Métallurgie 17,875 99 15,101,893
Exploitation minière 26,350 99 16,366,102
Herboristerie 7,867 99 17,572,766
Agilité 7,821 99 16,671,921
Larcin 28,024 99 18,155,589
Pourfendeur 8,432 99 34,797,665
Agriculture 38,858 99 23,143,490
Création de runes 16,399 99 15,536,291
Trappeur 9,348 99 27,558,970
Construction 9,815 99 13,651,987
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 93,899 21
Clue Scrolls (all) 5,493 2,945
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 16,548 299
Clue Scrolls (easy) 3,706 981
Clue Scrolls (medium) 20,353 523
Clue Scrolls (hard) 5,398 709
Clue Scrolls (elite) 6,057 235
Clue Scrolls (master) 9,336 198
LMS - Rank 70,240 1,019
Rifts closed 158,720 195
Colosseum Glory 85,896 3,047
Collections Logged 3,435 982
Abyssal Sire 29,008 828
Alchemical Hydra 31,149 1,750
Amoxliatl 11,233 137
Araxxor 67,174 242
Artio 43,699 195
Barrows Chests 4,072 1,860
Bryophyta 7,979 119
Callisto 66,414 225
Calvar'ion 14,362 658
Cerberus 48,148 1,251
Chambers of Xeric 63,510 344
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 45,065 32
Chaos Elemental 2,632 697
Chaos Fanatic 14,698 319
Commander Zilyana 16,751 899
Corporeal Beast 4,229 1,601
Crazy Archaeologist 44,091 132
Dagannoth Prime 43,102 631
Dagannoth Rex 71,425 534
Dagannoth Supreme 47,844 585
Deranged Archaeologist 22,856 50
Duke Sucellus 60,527 164
General Graardor 8,695 2,050
Giant Mole 12,139 2,519
Grotesque Guardians 34,551 490
Hespori 141,800 70
Kalphite Queen 6,816 1,156
King Black Dragon 46,427 666
Kraken 4,512 7,315
Kree'Arra 11,086 1,038
K'ril Tsutsaroth 14,332 624
Lunar Chests 46,282 135
Mimic 12,136 14
Nex 36,572 670
Nightmare 82,234 15
Obor 95,204 15
Phantom Muspah 16,839 502
Sarachnis 14,223 901
Scorpia 150,814 25
Scurrius 68,992 147
Skotizo 5,529 104
Spindel 21,064 457
Tempoross 107,281 178
The Gauntlet 122,330 28
The Corrupted Gauntlet 53,557 440
The Hueycoatl 23,726 110
The Leviathan 19,792 352
The Royal Titans 94,263 7
Theatre of Blood 60,851 47
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 66,120 996
Tombs of Amascut 42,759 114
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 109,805 17
TzTok-Jad 59,319 17
Vardorvis 18,968 1,148
Venenatis 70,749 137
Vet'ion 48,119 146
Vorkath 18,695 2,476
Wintertodt 54,368 653
Zalcano 11,898 732
Zulrah 16,966 3,858

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