
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for MRM
Général 229,179 2,084 527,048,425
Attaque 53,713 99 25,013,514
Défense 70,379 99 18,741,201
Force 2,912 99 165,886,058
Constitution 9,927 99 107,393,659
Combat à distance 42,329 99 61,607,949
Prières 39,388 99 13,430,823
Magie 14,023 99 45,721,214
Cuisine 213,701 99 13,163,726
Coupe de bois 148,351 99 13,114,621
Archerie 418,390 90 5,432,794
Pêche 836,061 76 1,440,172
Feu de camp 600,808 87 4,191,406
Artisanat 412,688 85 3,426,411
Métallurgie 306,993 86 3,682,558
Exploitation minière 183,069 94 8,669,707
Herboristerie 155,595 94 8,249,694
Agilité 493,143 78 1,669,365
Larcin 353,665 85 3,340,078
Pourfendeur 254,783 96 9,882,663
Agriculture 396,858 92 6,657,727
Création de runes 612,669 67 583,713
Trappeur 619,427 75 1,251,153
Construction 178,392 88 4,498,219
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 13,228 93
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 5,189 23
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 222,443 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 91,336 9
Clue Scrolls (all) 460,072 107
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 1,314,413 1
Clue Scrolls (easy) 865,795 4
Clue Scrolls (medium) 510,916 18
Clue Scrolls (hard) 382,992 54
Clue Scrolls (elite) 329,392 9
Clue Scrolls (master) 109,410 21
LMS - Rank 30,147 1,806
PvP Arena - Rank 43,683 2,539
Rifts closed 691,975 16
Colosseum Glory 2,023 48,560
Abyssal Sire 204,574 50
Alchemical Hydra 187,963 150
Amoxliatl 73,667 20
Araxxor 60,635 296
Artio 77,738 59
Barrows Chests 253,662 235
Bryophyta 147,649 10
Callisto 155,914 49
Calvar'ion 141,824 35
Cerberus 113,137 613
Chambers of Xeric 66,463 328
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 18,274 164
Chaos Elemental 49,279 115
Chaos Fanatic 17,266 285
Commander Zilyana 135,809 102
Corporeal Beast 85,191 87
Crazy Archaeologist 19,270 252
Dagannoth Prime 96,240 313
Dagannoth Rex 125,192 344
Dagannoth Supreme 83,910 359
Deranged Archaeologist 125,379 25
Duke Sucellus 23,901 636
General Graardor 179,241 202
Giant Mole 84,964 459
Grotesque Guardians 177,814 80
Hespori 389,276 24
Kalphite Queen 184,229 51
King Black Dragon 308,367 94
Kraken 148,502 1,810
Kree'Arra 108,827 100
K'ril Tsutsaroth 92,079 143
Lunar Chests 176,509 25
Mimic 191,860 1
Nex 52,967 397
Nightmare 65,563 29
Phosani's Nightmare 22,943 80
Obor 100,438 15
Phantom Muspah 104,320 82
Sarachnis 229,801 32
Scorpia 135,400 27
Scurrius 106,168 96
Skotizo 355,942 14
Sol Heredit 4,866 34
Tempoross 520,138 30
The Gauntlet 185,927 16
The Corrupted Gauntlet 95,240 269
The Hueycoatl 77,621 28
The Leviathan 44,280 56
The Royal Titans 52,656 70
The Whisperer 44,434 49
Theatre of Blood 2,054 1,731
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 2,265 434
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 267,313 23
Tombs of Amascut 55,045 97
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 24,580 246
TzKal-Zuk 6,135 11
TzTok-Jad 44,529 20
Vardorvis 25,372 880
Venenatis 81,447 109
Vet'ion 66,250 99
Vorkath 225,496 341
Wintertodt 699,649 135
Zalcano 221,978 25
Zulrah 65,911 1,612

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