
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Sharlayan
Général 44,555 2,277 398,564,445
Attaque 175,916 99 15,777,320
Défense 121,023 99 15,994,145
Force 58,070 99 38,845,015
Constitution 101,614 99 39,474,019
Combat à distance 131,687 99 32,102,695
Prières 47,230 99 13,375,117
Magie 43,847 99 29,867,875
Cuisine 317,331 99 13,050,315
Coupe de bois 98,805 99 13,453,123
Archerie 186,985 99 13,045,348
Pêche 100,304 99 13,102,840
Feu de camp 139,143 99 13,231,451
Artisanat 102,991 99 13,361,354
Métallurgie 75,994 99 13,114,023
Exploitation minière 97,105 99 13,189,124
Herboristerie 63,345 99 13,220,602
Agilité 55,860 99 13,216,824
Larcin 100,304 99 13,360,925
Pourfendeur 104,512 99 14,931,222
Agriculture 196,071 99 13,485,655
Création de runes 67,411 99 13,054,807
Trappeur 72,616 99 13,195,854
Construction 65,744 99 13,114,792
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 31,985 17
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 49,354 66
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 63,609 15
Clue Scrolls (all) 486,773 97
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 179,332 28
Clue Scrolls (easy) 391,675 15
Clue Scrolls (hard) 975,785 3
Clue Scrolls (elite) 515,357 3
Clue Scrolls (master) 57,025 48
LMS - Rank 55,181 1,185
PvP Arena - Rank 23,804 2,671
Rifts closed 196,037 169
Colosseum Glory 10,213 43,659
Abyssal Sire 206,383 50
Alchemical Hydra 187,078 150
Amoxliatl 64,731 22
Araxxor 89,412 108
Artio 31,475 320
Barrows Chests 806,473 25
Bryophyta 301,450 5
Callisto 89,876 141
Calvar'ion 128,274 47
Cerberus 213,083 182
Chambers of Xeric 129,904 123
Chaos Elemental 160,528 25
Chaos Fanatic 207,020 25
Commander Zilyana 178,022 56
Corporeal Beast 121,496 50
Crazy Archaeologist 300,411 25
Dagannoth Prime 324,930 31
Dagannoth Rex 504,001 25
Dagannoth Supreme 323,049 31
Deranged Archaeologist 152,234 25
Duke Sucellus 92,693 61
General Graardor 255,952 100
Giant Mole 398,296 25
Grotesque Guardians 179,768 78
Hespori 615,566 8
Kalphite Queen 82,557 199
King Black Dragon 540,503 25
Kraken 468,076 116
Kree'Arra 89,125 142
K'ril Tsutsaroth 123,543 100
Lunar Chests 181,412 25
Nex 153,647 25
Nightmare 40,892 69
Phosani's Nightmare 27,502 48
Obor 339,598 5
Phantom Muspah 128,579 52
Sarachnis 74,969 151
Scorpia 150,833 25
Scurrius 253,156 20
Skotizo 20,329 71
Spindel 26,933 342
Tempoross 528,479 29
The Gauntlet 275,883 6
The Corrupted Gauntlet 150,341 99
The Hueycoatl 55,995 44
The Leviathan 39,252 74
The Whisperer 32,049 96
Theatre of Blood 46,218 111
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 23,846 6
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 228,751 103
Tombs of Amascut 183,526 18
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 101,794 23
TzKal-Zuk 17,181 3
TzTok-Jad 137,518 9
Vardorvis 51,463 224
Venenatis 19,207 623
Vet'ion 190,911 10
Vorkath 71,120 1,045
Wintertodt 603,028 168
Zulrah 259,700 281

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