
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Tzpe
Général 328,468 2,014 291,750,219
Attaque 114,917 99 18,655,101
Défense 158,186 99 14,886,414
Force 38,685 99 49,839,865
Constitution 47,382 99 57,196,820
Combat à distance 42,116 99 61,830,761
Prières 261,156 90 5,371,605
Magie 115,157 99 20,483,125
Cuisine 768,632 83 2,706,402
Coupe de bois 925,676 75 1,303,958
Archerie 711,098 80 2,086,566
Pêche 660,783 80 2,090,367
Feu de camp 1,038,178 77 1,487,483
Artisanat 146,399 99 13,122,222
Métallurgie 310,230 86 3,665,204
Exploitation minière 433,338 84 3,178,485
Herboristerie 162,394 93 7,826,439
Agilité 301,997 83 2,804,312
Larcin 689,892 74 1,192,439
Pourfendeur 300,191 94 8,687,188
Agriculture 348,781 94 8,420,651
Création de runes 497,958 71 866,799
Trappeur 645,394 74 1,179,695
Construction 383,164 83 2,868,318
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 21,041 41
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 22,038 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 237,276 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 381,546 143
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 1,789,916 1
Clue Scrolls (easy) 738,025 6
Clue Scrolls (medium) 257,379 54
Clue Scrolls (hard) 402,322 50
Clue Scrolls (elite) 164,650 27
Clue Scrolls (master) 234,180 5
LMS - Rank 89,222 877
Colosseum Glory 51,541 25,519
Abyssal Sire 205,633 50
Artio 139,206 5
Barrows Chests 692,592 43
Bryophyta 274,604 5
Callisto 97,967 123
Calvar'ion 42,660 263
Cerberus 37,632 1,463
Chambers of Xeric 33,824 611
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 33,457 65
Chaos Elemental 90,221 53
Commander Zilyana 55,960 348
Corporeal Beast 126,084 46
Dagannoth Prime 246,245 75
Dagannoth Rex 391,238 69
Dagannoth Supreme 241,230 77
Duke Sucellus 144,256 8
General Graardor 286,072 75
Grotesque Guardians 250,269 40
Hespori 399,811 23
Kalphite Queen 191,484 50
King Black Dragon 265,699 119
Kraken 480,421 103
Kree'Arra 16,201 821
K'ril Tsutsaroth 89,077 149
Mimic 116,272 2
Nex 5,071 3,342
Nightmare 91,640 11
Obor 246,073 6
Phantom Muspah 164,269 22
Sarachnis 164,789 53
Skotizo 244,565 23
Spindel 19,012 515
Tempoross 787,235 5
The Gauntlet 135,562 25
The Corrupted Gauntlet 82,467 316
The Leviathan 6,730 1,097
The Whisperer 55,250 16
Theatre of Blood 33,114 218
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 8,257 163
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 166,932 291
Tombs of Amascut 116,085 46
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 31,763 195
TzKal-Zuk 24,480 2
TzTok-Jad 215,886 5
Vardorvis 43,182 358
Venenatis 14,432 805
Vet'ion 79,777 73
Vorkath 61,400 1,157
Wintertodt 1,151,908 47
Zulrah 72,126 1,505

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