
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for 3K9
Général 4,910 2,277 900,511,210
Attaque 3,623 99 65,885,852
Défense 12,631 99 31,310,310
Force 7,033 99 118,428,682
Constitution 3,958 99 144,377,181
Combat à distance 3,310 99 162,161,908
Prières 13,039 99 14,197,702
Magie 9,797 99 51,989,829
Cuisine 13,873 99 35,329,949
Coupe de bois 44,828 99 15,528,855
Archerie 48,204 99 13,756,529
Pêche 21,004 99 18,094,499
Feu de camp 38,504 99 15,813,797
Artisanat 10,210 99 16,865,217
Métallurgie 36,600 99 13,418,801
Exploitation minière 10,987 99 22,602,338
Herboristerie 19,632 99 14,452,111
Agilité 15,451 99 14,634,396
Larcin 76,588 99 13,787,940
Pourfendeur 39,548 99 20,858,815
Agriculture 43,061 99 22,185,159
Création de runes 17,006 99 15,375,852
Trappeur 3,572 99 46,024,974
Construction 15,947 99 13,430,514
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 20,553 43
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 28,556 2
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 226,495 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 132,465 5
Clue Scrolls (all) 67,882 725
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 1,889,918 1
Clue Scrolls (easy) 824,523 5
Clue Scrolls (medium) 35,231 400
Clue Scrolls (hard) 300,632 78
Clue Scrolls (elite) 23,907 126
Clue Scrolls (master) 21,260 115
LMS - Rank 290,630 524
Rifts closed 5,111 1,401
Colosseum Glory 33,546 34,139
Collections Logged 17,018 702
Abyssal Sire 160,369 103
Alchemical Hydra 27,198 1,892
Amoxliatl 36,971 50
Araxxor 36,044 569
Artio 62,551 100
Barrows Chests 577,793 68
Bryophyta 322,499 5
Callisto 37,082 478
Calvar'ion 90,438 100
Cerberus 14,594 2,400
Chambers of Xeric 13,934 1,057
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 5,490 421
Chaos Elemental 56,405 100
Chaos Fanatic 220,422 25
Commander Zilyana 18,105 860
Corporeal Beast 40,256 227
Crazy Archaeologist 323,167 25
Dagannoth Prime 119,288 248
Dagannoth Rex 198,754 219
Dagannoth Supreme 140,980 200
Deranged Archaeologist 191,217 25
Duke Sucellus 35,381 403
General Graardor 12,719 1,678
Giant Mole 30,992 1,262
Grotesque Guardians 10,830 1,069
Hespori 78,595 100
Kalphite Queen 113,853 132
King Black Dragon 26,833 1,002
Kraken 319,902 700
Kree'Arra 38,410 426
K'ril Tsutsaroth 71,331 190
Lunar Chests 186,554 25
Mimic 29,943 8
Nex 1,685 6,233
Nightmare 66,736 28
Phosani's Nightmare 34,018 25
Obor 264,724 6
Phantom Muspah 49,363 224
Sarachnis 143,426 66
Scorpia 66,530 75
Scurrius 3,693 1,870
Skotizo 269,008 21
Spindel 40,419 200
Tempoross 12,159 702
The Gauntlet 128,378 27
The Corrupted Gauntlet 190,712 37
The Hueycoatl 41,216 66
The Leviathan 12,007 709
The Whisperer 20,620 249
Theatre of Blood 17,968 464
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 24,048 6
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 30,666 1,700
Tombs of Amascut 127,837 40
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 1,776 884
TzKal-Zuk 16,931 3
TzTok-Jad 45,126 20
Vardorvis 20,253 1,100
Venenatis 8,890 1,182
Vet'ion 10,761 625
Vorkath 4,790 6,176
Wintertodt 185,470 556
Zalcano 213,970 26
Zulrah 67,757 1,580

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