
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Cartier
Général 20,748 2,277 549,350,722
Attaque 81,027 99 21,367,654
Défense 77,343 99 18,210,630
Force 27,011 99 61,025,246
Constitution 36,940 99 63,862,019
Combat à distance 47,381 99 58,079,835
Prières 33,061 99 13,494,914
Magie 18,038 99 41,593,227
Cuisine 285,906 99 13,068,535
Coupe de bois 23,291 99 20,493,453
Archerie 43,372 99 13,873,519
Pêche 78,708 99 13,263,931
Feu de camp 37,376 99 15,927,941
Artisanat 127,790 99 13,195,982
Métallurgie 44,498 99 13,288,201
Exploitation minière 15,698 99 19,597,154
Herboristerie 46,070 99 13,374,903
Agilité 14,833 99 14,708,909
Larcin 30,131 99 17,669,059
Pourfendeur 31,901 99 22,371,218
Agriculture 11,972 99 40,595,288
Création de runes 44,806 99 13,176,819
Trappeur 50,910 99 13,816,216
Construction 25,175 99 13,296,069
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 24,411 30
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 21,439 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 216,834 3
Clue Scrolls (all) 85,440 616
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 71,851 72
Clue Scrolls (easy) 218,572 30
Clue Scrolls (medium) 267,064 51
Clue Scrolls (hard) 42,659 327
Clue Scrolls (elite) 115,519 39
Clue Scrolls (master) 26,850 97
LMS - Rank 134,692 691
Soul Wars Zeal 44,910 2,126
Rifts closed 719,761 13
Colosseum Glory 47,628 27,498
Collections Logged 26,024 622
Abyssal Sire 68,710 440
Alchemical Hydra 103,681 649
Amoxliatl 18,547 100
Araxxor 6,705 1,500
Artio 36,886 255
Barrows Chests 542,782 77
Bryophyta 287,801 5
Callisto 24,493 744
Calvar'ion 39,886 280
Cerberus 71,751 950
Chambers of Xeric 120,517 141
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 11,102 261
Chaos Elemental 155,586 25
Chaos Fanatic 24,278 215
Commander Zilyana 265,407 13
Corporeal Beast 57,120 151
Crazy Archaeologist 196,155 37
Dagannoth Prime 70,972 417
Dagannoth Rex 83,544 476
Dagannoth Supreme 64,463 457
Deranged Archaeologist 122,388 25
Duke Sucellus 8,099 1,281
General Graardor 160,529 240
Giant Mole 223,565 100
Grotesque Guardians 30,332 538
Hespori 91,610 92
Kalphite Queen 20,211 551
King Black Dragon 8,299 2,151
Kraken 194,990 1,419
Kree'Arra 99,548 115
K'ril Tsutsaroth 31,739 373
Lunar Chests 65,224 100
Mimic 22,273 10
Nex 100,547 105
Nightmare 21,203 166
Obor 191,500 8
Phantom Muspah 11,908 600
Sarachnis 24,828 530
Scorpia 19,811 289
Scurrius 15,833 555
Skotizo 253,659 22
Sol Heredit 12,993 7
Spindel 77,200 55
Tempoross 628,364 17
The Corrupted Gauntlet 224,466 11
The Hueycoatl 27,371 100
The Leviathan 21,306 306
The Royal Titans 1,992 519
The Whisperer 45,653 43
Theatre of Blood 35,676 191
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 15,078 52
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 104,864 608
Tombs of Amascut 60,532 90
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 28,728 214
TzKal-Zuk 5,452 12
TzTok-Jad 28,985 25
Vardorvis 40,802 397
Venenatis 25,140 484
Vet'ion 38,341 192
Vorkath 272,165 252
Wintertodt 235,400 521
Zalcano 145,915 65
Zulrah 108,229 1,067

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