
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for EtherBunny
Général 15,912 2,277 608,136,410
Attaque 68,935 99 22,744,873
Défense 103,977 99 16,716,842
Force 6,131 99 125,190,416
Constitution 16,527 99 89,243,039
Combat à distance 28,087 99 74,847,569
Prières 33,698 99 13,488,509
Magie 19,674 99 40,460,791
Cuisine 181,450 99 13,279,271
Coupe de bois 117,615 99 13,272,915
Archerie 141,235 99 13,087,122
Pêche 58,818 99 13,729,825
Feu de camp 217,520 99 13,074,450
Artisanat 59,360 99 14,090,572
Métallurgie 93,365 99 13,064,201
Exploitation minière 21,052 99 17,619,144
Herboristerie 28,450 99 13,810,357
Agilité 44,422 99 13,375,978
Larcin 122,739 99 13,185,719
Pourfendeur 110,739 99 14,677,893
Agriculture 65,375 99 18,665,522
Création de runes 50,968 99 13,114,735
Trappeur 44,466 99 14,289,870
Construction 69,667 99 13,106,797
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 12,598 101
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 15,500 5
Clue Scrolls (all) 74,439 680
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 50,531 103
Clue Scrolls (easy) 76,579 95
Clue Scrolls (medium) 478,944 21
Clue Scrolls (hard) 322,218 71
Clue Scrolls (elite) 9,544 201
Clue Scrolls (master) 10,156 189
LMS - Rank 18,355 2,590
Rifts closed 93,299 258
Colosseum Glory 8,346 44,577
Collections Logged 25,015 635
Abyssal Sire 161,402 101
Alchemical Hydra 177,669 176
Amoxliatl 10,907 144
Araxxor 4,019 1,876
Barrows Chests 341,474 165
Bryophyta 250,625 5
Callisto 151,942 51
Calvar'ion 199,004 9
Cerberus 228,265 153
Chambers of Xeric 140,064 107
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 40,471 43
Chaos Elemental 147,835 26
Chaos Fanatic 68,784 80
Commander Zilyana 132,454 106
Corporeal Beast 51,848 170
Crazy Archaeologist 150,316 50
Dagannoth Prime 215,107 102
Dagannoth Rex 375,304 77
Dagannoth Supreme 218,449 97
Deranged Archaeologist 40,702 50
Duke Sucellus 69,447 126
General Graardor 256,764 100
Giant Mole 302,114 50
Grotesque Guardians 167,020 91
Hespori 32,522 153
Kalphite Queen 59,951 256
King Black Dragon 247,512 132
Kraken 458,304 155
Kree'Arra 100,020 115
K'ril Tsutsaroth 37,682 330
Lunar Chests 176,688 25
Mimic 14,186 13
Nex 30,837 824
Nightmare 6,291 548
Phosani's Nightmare 5,862 477
Obor 283,751 5
Phantom Muspah 27,245 373
Sarachnis 112,903 91
Scorpia 155,908 25
Scurrius 317,422 10
Skotizo 237,306 24
Sol Heredit 8,525 21
Tempoross 271,701 83
The Gauntlet 267,146 7
The Corrupted Gauntlet 84,472 309
The Hueycoatl 84,334 25
The Leviathan 39,758 74
The Royal Titans 29,640 151
The Whisperer 36,219 70
Theatre of Blood 5,674 1,048
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 3,164 361
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 271,835 20
Tombs of Amascut 41,457 116
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 59,254 88
TzKal-Zuk 3,718 17
TzTok-Jad 41,771 21
Vardorvis 22,164 1,017
Venenatis 178,652 20
Vet'ion 182,233 11
Vorkath 29,294 1,869
Wintertodt 339,433 367
Zalcano 203,605 30
Zulrah 6,888 6,216

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