
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Ravenclaw
Général 112,491 2,195 710,574,223
Attaque 991,228 82 2,431,251
Force 24,188 99 65,115,625
Constitution 79,424 99 44,716,674
Combat à distance 92,353 99 40,261,728
Prières 293,078 88 4,401,637
Magie 60,328 99 26,472,589
Cuisine 3,468 99 200,000,000
Coupe de bois 2,133 99 83,352,511
Archerie 116,785 99 13,142,540
Pêche 11,347 99 22,971,973
Feu de camp 25,725 99 17,943,682
Artisanat 1,697 99 34,732,451
Métallurgie 67,168 99 13,149,959
Exploitation minière 42,190 99 14,645,104
Herboristerie 39,471 99 13,483,681
Agilité 54,729 99 13,232,729
Larcin 100,149 99 13,367,004
Pourfendeur 34,417 99 21,855,289
Agriculture 215,338 99 13,339,594
Création de runes 4,092 99 25,536,876
Trappeur 71,948 99 13,206,767
Construction 52,018 99 13,152,990
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 7,021 233
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 27,291 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 1,142,490 13
Clue Scrolls (master) 149,772 13
LMS - Rank 11,098 3,671
Soul Wars Zeal 80,612 1,035
Colosseum Glory 2,444 48,119
Abyssal Sire 204,507 50
Alchemical Hydra 141,680 370
Amoxliatl 71,719 20
Araxxor 15,748 1,000
Artio 108,400 20
Barrows Chests 786,360 27
Bryophyta 293,574 5
Calvar'ion 169,031 20
Cerberus 137,170 479
Chambers of Xeric 130,929 122
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 55,561 17
Chaos Elemental 99,513 49
Chaos Fanatic 186,024 26
Commander Zilyana 164,825 68
Corporeal Beast 107,170 59
Crazy Archaeologist 265,440 26
Dagannoth Prime 213,302 104
Dagannoth Rex 393,410 68
Dagannoth Supreme 217,697 98
Deranged Archaeologist 124,899 25
Duke Sucellus 126,329 22
General Graardor 187,864 187
Giant Mole 270,438 65
Grotesque Guardians 66,131 280
Hespori 419,335 21
Kalphite Queen 129,097 108
King Black Dragon 19,684 1,225
Kraken 73,838 2,802
Kree'Arra 103,924 107
K'ril Tsutsaroth 118,822 104
Lunar Chests 92,768 66
Mimic 132,252 2
Nex 148,541 27
Nightmare 49,293 52
Phosani's Nightmare 31,997 29
Obor 331,615 5
Phantom Muspah 110,734 73
Sarachnis 198,262 40
Scorpia 126,423 30
Scurrius 56,946 178
Skotizo 168,228 31
Sol Heredit 12,011 10
Tempoross 717,284 10
The Gauntlet 157,588 21
The Corrupted Gauntlet 180,678 50
The Hueycoatl 85,150 25
The Leviathan 61,006 18
The Royal Titans 901 824
The Whisperer 54,410 18
Theatre of Blood 51,584 84
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 24,121 6
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 111,898 560
Tombs of Amascut 184,181 18
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 78,791 50
TzKal-Zuk 5,298 13
TzTok-Jad 44,956 20
Vardorvis 76,630 63
Venenatis 167,531 23
Vorkath 363,121 137
Wintertodt 293,830 448
Zalcano 212,447 26
Zulrah 318,567 150

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