
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Vus
Général 30,366 2,277 474,054,137
Attaque 12,635 99 41,822,833
Défense 88,232 99 17,537,109
Force 33,362 99 54,276,879
Constitution 42,736 99 59,917,321
Combat à distance 88,607 99 41,283,572
Prières 50,138 99 13,360,140
Magie 69,399 99 25,064,137
Cuisine 61,401 99 16,208,280
Coupe de bois 70,106 99 13,969,445
Archerie 50,409 99 13,707,341
Pêche 80,441 99 13,244,974
Feu de camp 198,051 99 13,095,624
Artisanat 10,889 99 16,683,197
Métallurgie 47,253 99 13,263,567
Exploitation minière 66,809 99 13,691,479
Herboristerie 37,339 99 13,527,112
Agilité 84,961 99 13,043,046
Larcin 131,557 99 13,133,364
Pourfendeur 119,781 99 14,312,021
Agriculture 179,852 99 13,676,006
Création de runes 55,044 99 13,091,167
Trappeur 87,224 99 13,105,147
Construction 110,958 99 13,040,376
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 51,285 4
Clue Scrolls (all) 1,005,329 19
Clue Scrolls (medium) 1,308,402 1
Clue Scrolls (hard) 755,080 9
Clue Scrolls (elite) 404,888 6
Clue Scrolls (master) 299,545 3
LMS - Rank 371,930 503
Colosseum Glory 3,384 47,361
Abyssal Sire 214,705 50
Alchemical Hydra 156,673 299
Amoxliatl 57,916 28
Araxxor 75,063 210
Barrows Chests 641,440 53
Bryophyta 302,262 5
Callisto 202,473 22
Calvar'ion 165,354 21
Cerberus 195,242 237
Chambers of Xeric 39,820 538
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 17,072 176
Chaos Elemental 160,928 25
Chaos Fanatic 208,488 25
Commander Zilyana 116,052 133
Corporeal Beast 84,509 88
Crazy Archaeologist 302,430 25
Dagannoth Prime 343,627 25
Dagannoth Rex 410,392 60
Dagannoth Supreme 323,893 31
Deranged Archaeologist 152,545 25
Duke Sucellus 97,785 55
General Graardor 103,214 420
Giant Mole 102,294 361
Grotesque Guardians 232,073 50
Hespori 362,430 27
Kalphite Queen 191,396 50
King Black Dragon 258,905 124
Kraken 44,663 3,515
Kree'Arra 109,696 100
K'ril Tsutsaroth 126,318 100
Lunar Chests 174,117 25
Nex 65,070 279
Nightmare 40,777 70
Phosani's Nightmare 31,779 30
Obor 340,596 5
Phantom Muspah 116,359 66
Sarachnis 274,603 25
Scorpia 151,708 25
Scurrius 291,468 13
Skotizo 71,569 48
Sol Heredit 12,533 10
Spindel 122,469 13
Tempoross 691,857 12
The Gauntlet 197,950 15
The Corrupted Gauntlet 149,912 101
The Hueycoatl 80,869 27
The Leviathan 44,261 56
The Royal Titans 39,053 113
The Whisperer 66,566 5
Theatre of Blood 16,202 510
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 4,165 303
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 126,697 472
Tombs of Amascut 82,547 69
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 114,760 15
TzKal-Zuk 12,527 5
TzTok-Jad 21,711 29
Vardorvis 71,888 82
Venenatis 224,070 8
Vorkath 81,145 960
Wintertodt 71,737 636
Zalcano 220,090 25
Zulrah 74,466 1,468

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