
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Priestess
Général 24,837 2,277 512,322,617
Attaque 68,216 99 22,809,572
Défense 45,972 99 21,257,791
Force 24,686 99 64,058,512
Constitution 31,555 99 68,312,315
Combat à distance 38,639 99 64,251,796
Prières 7,136 99 14,991,383
Magie 22,609 99 38,266,154
Cuisine 240,445 99 13,110,687
Coupe de bois 71,395 99 13,921,373
Archerie 78,814 99 13,334,901
Pêche 79,270 99 13,255,475
Feu de camp 194,252 99 13,098,533
Artisanat 57,178 99 14,139,344
Métallurgie 37,529 99 13,392,680
Exploitation minière 66,720 99 13,679,845
Herboristerie 39,034 99 13,486,682
Agilité 26,539 99 13,803,907
Larcin 83,226 99 13,616,988
Pourfendeur 139,823 99 13,627,119
Agriculture 96,729 99 16,150,512
Création de runes 62,125 99 13,068,868
Trappeur 80,028 99 13,137,875
Construction 11,786 99 13,550,305
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 30,694 19
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 229,344 2
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 107,976 7
Clue Scrolls (all) 245,013 248
Clue Scrolls (medium) 232,754 62
Clue Scrolls (hard) 803,168 7
Clue Scrolls (elite) 74,432 57
Clue Scrolls (master) 19,501 122
LMS - Rank 16,390 2,788
Soul Wars Zeal 203,353 206
Rifts closed 130,313 216
Colosseum Glory 26,349 36,656
Collections Logged 51,181 504
Abyssal Sire 53,521 546
Alchemical Hydra 174,074 184
Amoxliatl 36,815 49
Araxxor 84,803 134
Artio 29,583 346
Barrows Chests 449,707 109
Bryophyta 47,370 30
Callisto 37,995 460
Calvar'ion 128,551 46
Cerberus 74,235 921
Chambers of Xeric 63,851 342
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 33,360 65
Chaos Elemental 142,604 27
Chaos Fanatic 125,018 44
Commander Zilyana 114,368 135
Corporeal Beast 92,360 76
Crazy Archaeologist 276,922 25
Dagannoth Prime 65,924 446
Dagannoth Rex 94,038 434
Dagannoth Supreme 63,643 462
Deranged Archaeologist 91,433 25
Duke Sucellus 66,093 137
General Graardor 274,871 83
Giant Mole 300,877 50
Grotesque Guardians 22,651 664
Hespori 96,161 89
Kalphite Queen 33,064 376
King Black Dragon 159,366 227
Kraken 231,118 1,177
Kree'Arra 95,352 125
K'ril Tsutsaroth 94,349 138
Lunar Chests 162,991 27
Mimic 36,826 7
Nex 23,444 1,091
Nightmare 55,808 41
Phosani's Nightmare 17,841 124
Obor 14,480 62
Phantom Muspah 49,346 221
Sarachnis 62,513 191
Scorpia 15,530 363
Scurrius 212,825 31
Skotizo 93,771 43
Spindel 41,320 189
Tempoross 209,630 104
The Gauntlet 162,187 20
The Corrupted Gauntlet 224,580 11
The Hueycoatl 63,612 37
The Leviathan 30,851 134
The Royal Titans 40,019 72
The Whisperer 35,195 74
Theatre of Blood 19,789 419
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 19,859 17
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 86,330 761
Tombs of Amascut 114,385 47
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 34,525 178
TzKal-Zuk 32,156 1
TzTok-Jad 29,087 25
Vardorvis 42,770 353
Venenatis 184,690 17
Vet'ion 84,386 66
Vorkath 115,493 713
Wintertodt 419,238 271
Zalcano 181,607 41
Zulrah 23,033 3,212

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