
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Rainwine
Général 15,606 2,277 613,216,164
Attaque 236,335 99 14,251,274
Défense 240,088 99 13,523,009
Force 20,606 99 71,370,437
Constitution 26,023 99 74,459,798
Combat à distance 23,064 99 81,613,414
Prières 34,222 99 13,483,057
Magie 9,539 99 52,552,377
Cuisine 158,548 99 13,421,870
Coupe de bois 57,318 99 14,517,367
Archerie 100,688 99 13,204,231
Pêche 24,088 99 17,253,931
Feu de camp 114,304 99 13,397,169
Artisanat 21,706 99 15,262,228
Métallurgie 34,018 99 13,490,862
Exploitation minière 5,607 99 30,534,910
Herboristerie 47,318 99 13,363,373
Agilité 724 99 46,429,586
Larcin 101,895 99 13,350,713
Pourfendeur 24,707 99 24,461,620
Agriculture 89,814 99 16,604,280
Création de runes 10,656 99 17,666,309
Trappeur 32,125 99 15,791,378
Construction 37,390 99 13,212,971
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 53,082 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 185,937 5
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 115,542 6
Clue Scrolls (all) 45,564 942
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 148,085 34
Clue Scrolls (easy) 42,893 165
Clue Scrolls (medium) 54,684 280
Clue Scrolls (hard) 75,534 248
Clue Scrolls (elite) 216,440 19
Clue Scrolls (master) 9,620 196
LMS - Rank 283,688 527
Soul Wars Zeal 161,766 353
Rifts closed 18,203 651
Collections Logged 10,092 794
Abyssal Sire 136,804 159
Alchemical Hydra 68,505 1,024
Amoxliatl 1,295 863
Araxxor 21,934 834
Artio 48,888 162
Barrows Chests 332,671 171
Bryophyta 57,065 25
Callisto 3,967 3,497
Calvar'ion 87,697 103
Cerberus 4,796 3,950
Chambers of Xeric 163,945 75
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 75,772 5
Chaos Elemental 5,234 535
Chaos Fanatic 270 2,006
Commander Zilyana 10,769 1,154
Corporeal Beast 66,323 125
Crazy Archaeologist 50,052 120
Dagannoth Prime 43,185 632
Dagannoth Rex 22,580 1,132
Dagannoth Supreme 6,359 2,015
Deranged Archaeologist 46,325 50
Duke Sucellus 6,494 1,432
General Graardor 161,599 239
Giant Mole 156,406 194
Grotesque Guardians 5,159 1,595
Hespori 37,386 143
Kalphite Queen 2,572 2,015
King Black Dragon 3,182 3,742
Kraken 105,350 2,300
Kree'Arra 79,368 175
K'ril Tsutsaroth 2,041 1,796
Lunar Chests 57,317 115
Mimic 7,898 18
Nex 86,424 154
Nightmare 21,364 165
Phosani's Nightmare 20,825 100
Obor 300,998 5
Phantom Muspah 17,020 503
Sarachnis 2,047 3,509
Scorpia 2,323 1,657
Scurrius 2,564 2,514
Skotizo 40,962 58
Spindel 18,957 518
Tempoross 99,396 189
The Gauntlet 14,242 119
The Corrupted Gauntlet 168,296 65
The Hueycoatl 16,050 155
The Leviathan 19,178 382
The Royal Titans 49,862 88
The Whisperer 22,659 209
Theatre of Blood 65,594 36
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 48,689 1,256
Tombs of Amascut 6,419 253
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 86,272 39
TzTok-Jad 107,330 11
Vardorvis 37,738 483
Venenatis 3,962 2,045
Vet'ion 698 3,275
Vorkath 232,462 327
Wintertodt 217,564 534
Zalcano 28,900 400
Zulrah 70,167 1,539

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