
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for WiseOldCam
Général 5,596 2,277 864,903,468
Attaque 7,230 99 51,052,318
Défense 21,956 99 26,409,302
Force 14,562 99 85,250,066
Constitution 4,018 99 143,628,703
Combat à distance 3,610 99 157,721,029
Prières 5,138 99 15,633,390
Magie 2,222 99 88,998,988
Cuisine 38,863 99 19,302,042
Coupe de bois 82,253 99 13,694,509
Archerie 22,193 99 15,360,783
Pêche 74,458 99 13,331,440
Feu de camp 29,502 99 17,090,468
Artisanat 8,219 99 17,635,937
Métallurgie 18,793 99 14,891,619
Exploitation minière 29,643 99 15,869,262
Herboristerie 4,058 99 21,966,744
Agilité 17,697 99 14,405,391
Larcin 14,110 99 24,817,099
Pourfendeur 3,624 99 45,703,263
Agriculture 59,548 99 19,377,672
Création de runes 16,461 99 15,501,037
Trappeur 61,472 99 13,383,406
Construction 7,452 99 13,879,000
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 25,186 29
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 15,149 5
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 122,450 12
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 49,655 21
Clue Scrolls (all) 7,165 2,602
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 106,731 49
Clue Scrolls (easy) 8,030 600
Clue Scrolls (medium) 56,311 273
Clue Scrolls (hard) 2,121 1,031
Clue Scrolls (elite) 2,978 313
Clue Scrolls (master) 3,621 336
LMS - Rank 6,276 5,323
Soul Wars Zeal 83,044 997
Rifts closed 122,122 224
Colosseum Glory 70,127 6,988
Collections Logged 2,485 1,041
Abyssal Sire 57,234 518
Alchemical Hydra 69,847 1,007
Amoxliatl 20,746 91
Araxxor 34,155 600
Artio 13,402 848
Barrows Chests 36,347 847
Bryophyta 3,279 197
Callisto 37,160 476
Calvar'ion 23,964 447
Cerberus 95,461 734
Chambers of Xeric 4,077 1,790
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 1,964 707
Chaos Elemental 34,960 159
Chaos Fanatic 8,939 449
Commander Zilyana 12,751 1,052
Corporeal Beast 10,209 802
Crazy Archaeologist 6,267 481
Dagannoth Prime 33,730 756
Dagannoth Rex 22,516 1,133
Dagannoth Supreme 37,855 701
Deranged Archaeologist 37,530 50
Duke Sucellus 1,954 2,392
General Graardor 22,074 1,262
Giant Mole 7,775 3,276
Grotesque Guardians 20,743 706
Hespori 98,545 88
Kalphite Queen 13,594 736
King Black Dragon 91,396 387
Kraken 78,733 2,710
Kree'Arra 20,085 710
K'ril Tsutsaroth 4,582 1,187
Lunar Chests 46,661 138
Mimic 1,984 34
Nex 34,687 718
Nightmare 35,928 84
Phosani's Nightmare 18,249 120
Obor 161,920 10
Phantom Muspah 12,757 582
Sarachnis 13,766 941
Scorpia 5,677 835
Scurrius 144,551 63
Skotizo 1,710 158
Spindel 32,249 275
Tempoross 53,391 289
The Gauntlet 182,294 17
The Corrupted Gauntlet 41,237 522
The Hueycoatl 60,527 41
The Leviathan 14,057 594
The Royal Titans 25,981 169
The Whisperer 7,205 770
Theatre of Blood 31,034 241
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 113,152 551
Tombs of Amascut 16,835 179
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 33,384 186
TzKal-Zuk 85,602 1
TzTok-Jad 48,923 19
Vardorvis 18,266 1,192
Venenatis 14,687 793
Vet'ion 5,897 966
Vorkath 41,980 1,484
Wintertodt 28,202 705
Zalcano 21,900 490
Zulrah 14,455 4,223

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