
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Jarael
Général 10,055 2,277 714,364,366
Attaque 12,074 99 42,461,735
Défense 25,358 99 25,309,955
Force 14,473 99 85,478,729
Constitution 7,661 99 117,202,030
Combat à distance 7,006 99 126,965,776
Prières 29,634 99 13,548,224
Magie 4,959 99 66,008,602
Cuisine 248,691 99 13,100,778
Coupe de bois 51,090 99 14,930,945
Archerie 102,290 99 13,196,249
Pêche 52,271 99 14,022,445
Feu de camp 94,573 99 13,627,400
Artisanat 88,331 99 13,523,793
Métallurgie 48,534 99 13,253,156
Exploitation minière 39,391 99 14,835,351
Herboristerie 36,425 99 13,546,752
Agilité 38,426 99 13,466,908
Larcin 60,827 99 14,402,641
Pourfendeur 22,615 99 25,147,458
Agriculture 154,867 99 14,098,823
Création de runes 11,384 99 17,272,523
Trappeur 34,085 99 15,448,352
Construction 12,844 99 13,515,741
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 15,385 72
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 23,293 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 11,078 364
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 35,505 31
Clue Scrolls (all) 119,786 480
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 190,290 26
Clue Scrolls (easy) 265,385 24
Clue Scrolls (medium) 127,819 127
Clue Scrolls (hard) 291,261 81
Clue Scrolls (elite) 68,765 61
Clue Scrolls (master) 13,013 161
LMS - Rank 33,575 1,672
Rifts closed 138,011 211
Colosseum Glory 6,343 45,524
Collections Logged 43,369 541
Abyssal Sire 281,869 6
Alchemical Hydra 124,465 491
Araxxor 5,966 1,585
Artio 31,504 323
Barrows Chests 388,200 138
Bryophyta 325,132 5
Callisto 56,703 282
Calvar'ion 15,665 619
Cerberus 118,686 578
Chambers of Xeric 64,173 341
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 42,914 37
Chaos Elemental 101,746 47
Chaos Fanatic 63,110 88
Commander Zilyana 12,499 1,065
Corporeal Beast 43,530 208
Crazy Archaeologist 325,695 25
Dagannoth Prime 106,947 280
Dagannoth Rex 171,523 257
Dagannoth Supreme 113,215 262
Deranged Archaeologist 195,869 25
Duke Sucellus 2,130 2,311
General Graardor 2,828 3,665
Giant Mole 31,069 1,259
Grotesque Guardians 73,068 254
Hespori 470,482 17
Kalphite Queen 180,826 53
King Black Dragon 37,804 778
Kraken 71,858 2,843
Kree'Arra 12,481 971
K'ril Tsutsaroth 1,422 2,161
Lunar Chests 162,970 28
Mimic 12,137 14
Nex 16,690 1,480
Obor 53,924 25
Phantom Muspah 3,723 1,042
Sarachnis 144,933 65
Scorpia 78,069 60
Scurrius 157,051 56
Skotizo 108,981 40
Sol Heredit 1,877 81
Spindel 115,990 19
Tempoross 625,684 18
The Hueycoatl 59,530 42
The Leviathan 23,159 264
The Royal Titans 73,567 37
The Whisperer 819 2,108
Theatre of Blood 55,131 69
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 24,538 1,929
Tombs of Amascut 9,880 219
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 4,222 649
TzKal-Zuk 11,869 5
TzTok-Jad 35,005 23
Vardorvis 51,588 230
Venenatis 31,107 389
Vet'ion 16,448 448
Vorkath 4,757 6,204
Wintertodt 1,450,838 13
Zulrah 24,685 3,083

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