
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Vikingnow
Général 25,143 2,277 509,673,678
Attaque 71,786 99 22,365,605
Défense 42,618 99 21,729,448
Force 46,565 99 44,289,703
Constitution 43,882 99 58,976,342
Combat à distance 36,665 99 65,846,433
Prières 12,918 99 14,200,013
Magie 63,119 99 25,906,327
Cuisine 67,564 99 15,715,786
Coupe de bois 50,803 99 14,926,103
Archerie 50,458 99 13,699,943
Pêche 54,671 99 13,895,365
Feu de camp 70,891 99 14,126,644
Artisanat 67,010 99 13,890,163
Métallurgie 18,650 99 14,909,127
Exploitation minière 20,335 99 17,774,709
Herboristerie 13,531 99 15,274,315
Agilité 31,150 99 13,633,185
Larcin 78,419 99 13,725,734
Pourfendeur 35,973 99 21,453,724
Agriculture 20,570 99 30,932,441
Création de runes 19,516 99 14,910,622
Trappeur 45,045 99 14,212,809
Construction 26,977 99 13,279,137
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 201,572 4
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 58,022 17
Clue Scrolls (all) 21,411 1,466
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 11,459 414
Clue Scrolls (easy) 70,012 103
Clue Scrolls (medium) 87,081 186
Clue Scrolls (hard) 20,303 438
Clue Scrolls (elite) 112,706 40
Clue Scrolls (master) 4,900 285
LMS - Rank 283,689 526
Soul Wars Zeal 196,761 235
Rifts closed 188,438 174
Colosseum Glory 46,968 27,643
Collections Logged 35,130 566
Abyssal Sire 47,602 600
Alchemical Hydra 50,899 1,284
Amoxliatl 79,860 17
Araxxor 38,348 517
Barrows Chests 75,041 599
Bryophyta 135,569 10
Callisto 57,191 276
Calvar'ion 127,152 47
Cerberus 225,694 155
Chambers of Xeric 9,681 1,255
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 47,809 27
Chaos Elemental 94,637 50
Chaos Fanatic 96,444 56
Commander Zilyana 16,569 902
Corporeal Beast 23,324 390
Crazy Archaeologist 145,310 50
Dagannoth Prime 21,742 1,005
Dagannoth Rex 19,314 1,233
Dagannoth Supreme 23,534 965
Deranged Archaeologist 25,813 50
Duke Sucellus 64,474 144
General Graardor 98,011 441
Giant Mole 16,072 2,085
Grotesque Guardians 24,926 620
Hespori 36,547 144
Kalphite Queen 15,934 656
King Black Dragon 142,021 256
Kraken 30,646 4,045
Kree'Arra 34,240 470
K'ril Tsutsaroth 43,060 296
Lunar Chests 161,052 27
Mimic 15,792 12
Nex 26,649 967
Nightmare 13,624 271
Obor 148,908 10
Phantom Muspah 42,681 254
Sarachnis 75,908 149
Scorpia 79,952 57
Scurrius 132,571 70
Skotizo 38,211 59
Tempoross 237,903 94
The Gauntlet 149,331 22
The Corrupted Gauntlet 154,939 87
The Hueycoatl 112,269 11
The Leviathan 59,581 19
The Royal Titans 24,108 116
The Whisperer 17,654 313
Theatre of Blood 53,385 74
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 65,499 1,000
Tombs of Amascut 23,774 154
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 111,681 16
TzTok-Jad 59,191 17
Vardorvis 93,399 24
Venenatis 123,946 50
Vet'ion 74,529 81
Vorkath 104,323 778
Wintertodt 305,469 424
Zalcano 2,453 1,899
Zulrah 219,122 416

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