
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for b6l
Général 28,674 2,277 482,261,043
Attaque 141,011 99 17,158,859
Défense 61,027 99 19,534,659
Force 21,885 99 68,075,557
Constitution 42,559 99 59,667,737
Combat à distance 45,908 99 58,887,759
Prières 46,587 99 13,377,987
Magie 57,969 99 26,737,188
Cuisine 144,907 99 13,529,203
Coupe de bois 152,719 99 13,100,920
Archerie 53,587 99 13,638,747
Pêche 148,428 99 13,034,663
Feu de camp 61,039 99 14,437,654
Artisanat 33,671 99 14,790,442
Métallurgie 100,452 99 13,051,465
Exploitation minière 113,126 99 13,085,201
Herboristerie 39,930 99 13,466,079
Agilité 81,117 99 13,050,830
Larcin 107,171 99 13,290,519
Pourfendeur 125,403 99 14,061,536
Agriculture 166,689 99 13,851,790
Création de runes 76,708 99 13,040,850
Trappeur 30,258 99 16,050,760
Construction 21,061 99 13,340,638
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 18,078 52
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 14,159 6
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 18,514 221
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 20,133 55
Clue Scrolls (all) 26,291 1,301
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 9,662 487
Clue Scrolls (easy) 43,859 160
Clue Scrolls (medium) 105,396 154
Clue Scrolls (hard) 68,314 261
Clue Scrolls (elite) 11,469 192
Clue Scrolls (master) 57,944 47
LMS - Rank 13,844 3,135
Soul Wars Zeal 31,547 3,189
Rifts closed 24,297 546
Colosseum Glory 23,540 37,638
Collections Logged 9,394 787
Abyssal Sire 12,318 1,266
Alchemical Hydra 32,023 1,719
Araxxor 113,001 32
Artio 66,760 84
Barrows Chests 523,367 83
Bryophyta 150,477 9
Callisto 4,345 3,200
Cerberus 37,371 1,462
Chambers of Xeric 39,055 544
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 21,227 134
Chaos Elemental 38,983 150
Chaos Fanatic 8,956 445
Commander Zilyana 53,277 363
Corporeal Beast 27,203 337
Crazy Archaeologist 52,256 115
Dagannoth Prime 46,246 597
Dagannoth Rex 109,918 383
Dagannoth Supreme 56,850 508
Deranged Archaeologist 45,036 50
Duke Sucellus 85,401 75
General Graardor 75,287 563
Giant Mole 155,763 192
Grotesque Guardians 25,797 603
Hespori 185,507 57
Kalphite Queen 40,604 316
King Black Dragon 140,481 259
Kraken 220,922 1,235
Kree'Arra 65,263 233
K'ril Tsutsaroth 14,953 606
Lunar Chests 162,221 26
Mimic 21,402 10
Nex 52,007 403
Nightmare 8,918 406
Phosani's Nightmare 21,803 90
Obor 291,274 5
Phantom Muspah 79,902 125
Sarachnis 68,772 167
Scorpia 18,294 310
Scurrius 187,978 40
Skotizo 179,327 30
Tempoross 28,645 419
The Gauntlet 147,796 22
The Corrupted Gauntlet 175,425 52
The Hueycoatl 15,385 151
The Leviathan 64,437 11
The Royal Titans 39,877 20
The Whisperer 60,836 8
Theatre of Blood 16,558 495
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 17,152 32
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 56,404 1,120
Tombs of Amascut 57,122 94
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 73,707 56
TzKal-Zuk 31,361 1
TzTok-Jad 33,829 23
Vardorvis 72,575 72
Venenatis 40,430 287
Vet'ion 15,652 462
Vorkath 128,554 645
Wintertodt 192,021 551
Zalcano 74,029 169
Zulrah 135,233 850

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